The importance of the Central Nervous System in the resolution of trauma and anxiety management

Anxiety is a primitive response of the body to an imminent danger which is deeply immersed in our unconscious, and which today does not fulfill the same function. Our limbic system has not changed in thousands of years and for this reason our body reacts to threat in exactly the same way. Learning to attend to and listen to our body's needs becomes essential when managing our thoughts, emotions and physical reactions.


When we find ourselves in a situation that generates anxiety, our pupils dilate, we sweat, our breath gets short and we feel that our heart is going to leave our chest; In short, our whole organism is prepared to fight or flee and in some cases it becomes paralyzed: an adaptive response that is also observed in some species when their survival is threatened. In the modern world, this response does not fulfill any function, the organism does not fight or flee in the same way, so that repressed energy is expressed in a great feeling of anguish accompanied by negative thoughts, physical responses and maladaptive behavioral reactions.


When a person experiences a traumatic situation, the limbic system plays an important survival role. There are several brain and body mechanisms that store the memory of the traumatic event and their main function is to recognize the stimuli; contexts, people, situations etc. that created that traumatic event, were linked or related. Through bodily signals they indicate to the brain that there is an imminent danger and "survival anxiety mode” kicks in. These stimuli can appear even in situations that are not dangerous, however a bodily imprint or memory of the traumatic event has been created and therefore the body will react to this warning through four main responses negative thoughts, physical responses, emotional reactions and behavioral responses.


Recognizing anxiety and the root of trauma is the first step in managing and reducing these symptoms that seriously affect people's mental and emotional health. Check out my blog on managing anxiety to get started on your road to recovery. It is also important to go to psychotherapy to deepen the emotional aspects of the trauma.


Art Therapy helps you process, relieve and manage traumatic symptoms. You can find more information about Art Therapy and the services I offer in these links. and